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Nya fakta 2002-08-01
In most industrial countries—including France, Japan and the United States—women account for 10–20% of parliamentarians.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 16

Det finns bara 11 länder i världen, bland annat Sverige, där över 30 procent av det nationella parlamentet består av kvinnor. Samtliga har använt någon form av kvotering.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

Den offentliga sektorns nettoskuld vände år 2001 till en nettoförmögenhet, dvs de finansiella tillgångarna är större än skulderna. Nettoförmögenheten beräknas till 47 miljarder år 2002.
Regeringens proposition 2001/02:100, 2002 års ekonomiska vårproposition, s 76

Sverige har den lägsta fattigdomen i världen enligt UNDP:s skala HPI-2, 6,8 procent. USA har den största fattigdomen av de rika länderna, 15,8 procent enligt samma skala.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

Of the world’s estimated 854 million illiterate adults, 544 million are women.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 11

Every day more than 30,000 children around the world die of preventable diseases.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 11

UNDP har konstaterat att Porto Alegre, som 1989 införde en process för folkligt deltagande i utformandet av den lokala budgeten, har gjort "anmärkningsvärda framsteg": På sju år ökade andelen hushåll som har tillgång till vatten från 80 till 98 procent. Andelen som har tillgång till avlopp ökade från 46 till 85 procent, och antalet barn som gick i skolan fördubblades.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

At the current rate it would take more than 130 years to rid the world of hunger.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 11

In Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS per capita income shrank 2.4% a year in the 1990s; in Sub-Saharan Africa, 0.3%.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 10

År 1999 levde 2,8 miljarder människor på under 2 dollar om dagen. 1,2 miljarder av dem levde på mindre än en dollar om dagen.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

Malaria kills at least 1 million people a year, nearly all of them in the poorest countries.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 7

113 million school-age children are not in school—97% of them in developing countries.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 11

Seven rich countries hold 48% of the voting power at the IMF, and 46% at the World Bank: The United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany and the Russian Federation.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

Gallup International’s Millennium Survey asked more than 50,000 people in 60 countries, "Would you say that your country is governed by the will of the people?" Less than a third said yes. The survey also asked, "Does government respond to the will of the people?" Only 10% said that it did.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

Of the 738 NGOs accredited to the WTO’s 1999 ministerial conference in Seattle, Washington, 87% were from industrial countries.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 8

Four private media groups own 85% of U.K. daily newspapers, accounting for two-thirds of circulation. And in the United States, six companies control most of the media.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 6

Presidential candidates in the 2000 U.S. election spent $343 million on their campaigns, up from $92 million in 1980. Including spending by political parties, more than $1 billion was probably spent on the 2000 campaigns. In the 2000 U.S. election cycle, corporations gave $1.2 billion in political contributions — about 14 times the already considerable amount contributed by labour unions and 16 times the contributions of other interest groups.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 4-5

The income of the top 1% of U.S. families was 10 times that of the median family in 1979 — and 23 times in 1997.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 20

Countries belonging to the OECD provide about $1 billion a day in domestic agriculture subsidies – more than six times what they spend on official development assistance for developing countries.
UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", 020801

The richest 10% of the U.S. population has an income equal to that of the poorest 43% of the world. Put differently, the income of the richest 25 million Americans is equal to that of almost 2 billion people.
Milanovic 2001 / UNDP: "Human Development Report 2002", p. 19