Nya citat 2001-09-21
In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist. Gloria Steinem
Feminism is the political theory of free all women - working-class women, poor women, physically challenged women, lesbians, old women, as well as white economically privileged heterosexual women. Anything less is not feminism, but merely female self-aggrandizement. Barbara Smith 1979
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. Gloria Steinem
It's about time we stopped worrying about whether feminists are saints: they are not, quite predictably. And it's also time to scotch that perennial silliness about avoiding Change because Change will provoke a Backlash. Change always provokes a Backlash. If you meet with no resistance, you're not doing your political job. Joanna Russ 1973
Feminism has transformed the lives and aspirations of the majority of women in ways unmeasurable by statistics... raising women's intellectual, economic and political expectations, increasing intolerance of wife beating, rape and other violence against women, redefining women's sexuality. Linda Gordon
If men could become pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament. Florynce Kennedy 1970
The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn. Gloria Steinem
A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men. Gloria Steinem
I think the key is for women not to set any limits. Martina Navratilova
(1) You do something nasty to me. (2) I hate you. (3) You find it uncomfortable to be hated. (4) You think how nice it would be if I didn't hate you. (5) You decide I ought not to hate you because hate is bad. (6) Good people don't hate. (7) Because I hate I am a bad person. (8) It is not what you did to me that makes me hate you, it is my own bad nature. I - not you - am the cause of my hating you. Joanna Russ 1973
Det vore ohederligt att påstå att USA bara har rätt att försvara sig om inte någon enda civil kommer till skada Alf Svensson om USA krigsförberedelser efter WTO-attentatet
Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. Pat Robertson 1992
You can do one of two things; just shut up, which is something I don't find easy, or learn an awful lot very fast, which is what I tried to do. Jane Fonda
A woman who doesn't care what men think of her - ah, this is dangerous. This is the worst conceivable insult to the male ego. Martha Shelley 1970
If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them. Sue Grafton
[Society] calls an angry woman unfeminine. Because anger takes the woman out of her earth mother role as bastion of peace and calm, out of her familial role as peace-maker, out of her political role as preserver of the status quo, out of her economic role as cheap labor, out of her social role as second class citizen. It takes her out of roles altogether and makes her a person.
Susi Kaplow 1971
Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid. Hedy Lamarr