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I ett fritt Irak kommer det inte längre att finnas några aggressionkrig mot era grannar. Inga fler giftfabriker. Inga fler avrättningar av dissidenter. Inga fler tortyrkammare och våldtäktsrum.
George W Bush i sitt TV-tal inför angreppet på Irak i mars 2003Aftonbladet 030318

If the military says something, I strongly urge all journalists to heed it. It is in your own interests, and your family's interests. And I mean that.
White House spokesman Ari Fleisher, February 28 2003, urging journalists to get out of Baghdad before the fighting began, 050727

We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, on the missing weapons of mass destruction in IraqInterview on ABC, March 30, 2003 / 060510

There was no corner of the known world where some interest was not alleged to be in danger or under actual attack. If the interests were not Roman, they were those of Rome's allies; and if Rome had no allies, the allies would be invented. When it was utterly impossible to contrive such an interest - why, then it was the national honor that had been insulted. The fight was always invested with an aura of legality. Rome was always being attacked by evil-minded neighbors...
Joseph Schumpeter, 1919, on the Roman Empire Blum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 125f

They [the bombs] are aimed exclusively at military targets. ... Unfortunately there are some civilians around these targets.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, former President and general, standing up for the way the United States was handling bombing in North Vietnam Petras, Ross & Petras, Kathryn: "The 776 stupidest things ever said", Doubleday 1993,  ISBN 0-385-41928-7

If people knew the truth, the war would be stopped tomorrow. But they don't know and can't know.
David Lloyd George, brittisk premiärminister, till C P Scott, redaktör för the Manchester Guardian, under första världskrigetJournalists who enjoy freebies and flattery turn the truth upside down, artikel av John Pilger den 981127

We believe we can literally 'kill them with kindness', moving our guns forward in a seizure of demented charity. It is when America is in her most altruistic mood that other nations etter get behind their bunkers.
Garry WillsBlum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 13

Jag kan helt klart säga att det al-Jazira gör är illvilligt, oriktigt och oförsvarbart.
Donald Rumsfeld, USA:s försvarsminister, efter att TV-kanalen visat liken efter barn och kvinnor som bombats i FallujaSagt 040415 / Flamman 060209

We'll have a recording broadcast a fire fight, mortars exploding, bullets flying, Vietnamese screaming. ... There's nothing offensive about it.
A spokesperson for "Vietnam Village," a 1976 Florida tourist theme park that reproduced a Vietnamese village during the war, complete with 56 Vietnamese refugees playing the parts of the villagers Petras, Ross & Petras, Kathryn: "The 776 stupidest things ever said", Doubleday 1993,  ISBN 0-385-41928-7

- The question I have, is civilian casualties are historically, by definition, a part of war, really. Should I they be as big news as they've been?
- No. Look, war is about killing people. Civilian casualties are unavoidable.

Fox Network host talking to a guest from National Public Radio about the coverage of the Afghanistan bombingsBlum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. xiv

If you think the football game was exciting, wait until you hear the report rom Tom Aspell from Amman, Jordan.
Tom Brokaw, NBC News anchorman, just after an NFL game had been broadcast, in his lead-in to a story about the Gulf War Petras, Ross & Petras, Kathryn: "The 776 stupidest things ever said", Doubleday 1993,  ISBN 0-385-41928-7

In war, truth is the first casualty.

Sedan maj 1998 har amerikanerna ensamma genomfört 24 000 bombflygningar över det tätbefolkade södra Irak, men det anses inte nyhetsmässigt. Varför?
John Pilger Aftonbladet 000301

Americanism. Who can be against that? Or harmony. Who can be against that? Or, to bring it up to date, "Support our troops." Who can be against that? Or yellow ribbons. Who can be against that? Anything that's totally vacuous. In fact, what does it mean if somebody asks you, Do you support the people in Iowa? Can you say, Yes, I support them, or No, I don't support them? It's not even a question. It doesn't mean anything. That's the point. The point of public relations slogans like "Support out troops" is that they don't mean anything. They mean as much as whether you support the people of Iowa.
Of course, there was an issue... The issue was, Do you support their policy? But you don't want people to think about the issue. That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for, because nobody knows what it mean

Noam Chomsky

Självklart vill folket inte ha krig. Men i slutändan är det landets ledare som avgör politiken, och det är alltid en enkel sak att dra med folket, om det så är en demokrati, en fascistisk diktatur, eller ett parlament, eller en kommunistisk diktatur. Röst eller ingen röst, folket kan alltid fås att lyda ledarna. Det är enkelt. Allt man behöver göra är att säga åt dem att de håller på att attackeras, och fördöma pacifisterna för brist på patriotism och för att utsätta landet för en större fara. Det fungerar på samma sätt i vilket land som helst.
Hermann Göring, före detta riksmarskalk och chef för flygvapnet i Nazityskland, i samband med Nürnbergrättegångarna Yelah, 030403

What the United States is doing in Vietnam is the most significant example of philanthropy extended by one people to another that we have witnessed in our times.
David Lawrence, editor of "US News & World Report", February 1966Blum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 8

USA uppmuntrat av valet i Vietnam: valförrättare uppger 83 procents valdeltagande trots Vietcongs terror.
Peter Groses i New York Times 4/9 1967Flamman 050203

We made a heavy raid in the latter month on Dresden, then a centre of communication of Germany's Eastern Front.
Winston Churchill on the attack on Dresden, in his wartime memoirsMicke Z (030719), "History Forgave Churchill", 030719

If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war.
Senior Pentagon official on reasons why United States military censored footage showing Iraqi soldiers sliced in two by U.S. helicopter fire Petras, Ross & Petras, Kathryn: "The 776 stupidest things ever said", Doubleday 1993,  ISBN 0-385-41928-7

We could not leave them to themselves - they were unfit for self-government - and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain’s was ... there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them.
U.S. President William McKinley, 1899, on the Filipinos, following the U.S. invasion of the Philippines in 1898Address to the Methodist Episcopal Church / Olcott, The Life of William McKinley (1916), v. 2, p. 110 / 020529

Ur marknadsföringssynvinkel ska du inte introducera nya produkter i augusti.
Andrew H Card, dåvarande stabschef Vita huset, om varför de väntade ända in i september 1990 med att söka allmänhetens stöd för ett krig mot IrakNew York Times / DN 020929

This expedition affords one of the finest examples in history of honorable, unselfish dealings ... to be helpful to a people struggling to achieve a new liberty.
US Army Chief of Staff report on the invasion of Russia in 1918 to 1920Blum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 12f

DO NOT USE photos on Page lA showing civilian casualties from the U.S. war on Afghanistan. Our sister paper in Fort Walton Beach has done so and received hundreds and hundreds of threatening e-mails and the like.
Memo circulated at the Panama City, Florida News HeraldBlum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. xv

Vi har så många gemensamma värderingar med militären. Därför vill vi nu visa att vi uppskattar den amerikanska armén. Pliktkänsla, hårt arbete, träning och samarbete är värderingar våra anställda ska lära för att arbeta hos McDonalds. Värderingar som går igen hos militären
Mike Donahue, vice chef för McDonalds kommunikations- och kundavdelning, om deras avtal med USA:s försvarsdepartements propagandaorganisation America Supports YouIntervju med US Armys nyhetsbyrå / FiB #8/2007

Frihet är en amerikansk term ... Well, kanske inte en amerikansk term, men... vi försöker göra klart att terroristerna attackerade vår frihet, använde vår frihet mot oss, och den ska vi återuppbygga!
David Lapan, talesman för amerikanska försvarsdepartementet, förklarar varför USA:s Operation Enduring Freedom fått sitt namnDN 020929

[It] seems perverse to focus too much on the casualties or hardship in Afghanistan.
CNN chairman advising the news staff during the bombing of AfghanistanBlum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. xiv

Heja Nato! Bomba sönder Serbien!
Anette KullenbergAftonbladet 990330

Som journalist är det lämpligt att förhålla sig neutral när man bevakar institutioner som är relativt jämnbördiga. Men här råder ju en konflikt mellan Amerika och mördande barbarer.
Brit Hume, Fox News Channel, om kriget mot Afghanistan

When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty.
Arthur Ponsonby, British diplomat and writer

We see the same intolerance of dissent; the same mad, global ambitions; the same brutal determination to control every life and all of life
George W Bush, US President, on the Talibans in Afghanistan and not on his own government

[The United States has] no quarrel with the Libyan people.
President Ronald Reagan before he bombed Libya in 1985
[The United States has] no quarrel with the Iraqi people.
President George Bush before he bombed Iraq in 1991
[The United States has] no quarrel with the people of Afghanistan.
President George W Bush before he bombed Afghanistan in 2001
The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people.
President George W Bush, September 12, 2002Robert Fisk: "The Mantra That Means This Time It

ANVÄND INTE nyhetstelegram som inleds med civila offer. De bör nämnas längre ner i texten. Om storyn behöver skrivas om, för att tona ner uppgifterna, GÖR DET.
Panama City News Herald i ett PM till tidningens anställda om USA:s angrepp mot Afghanistan

Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.
General William Westmoreland, United States Army

By God, we've kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all!
U.S. President George Bush, on the success of shaping public opinion for the U.S.-Iraq warNewsweek, March 11, 1991 / 020529

In a way, we're a kind of Peace Corps.
Training director of the Fort Bragg Green Beret Center in 1969 Petras, Ross & Petras, Kathryn: "The 776 stupidest things ever said", Doubleday 1993,  ISBN 0-385-41928-7

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism, or the holy name of liberty and democracy?
M.K. Gandhi

Vi befinner oss ironiskt nog i en situation idag - jag trodde aldrig att detta skulle hända - där presskonferenserna som ges av irakierna är mer trovärdiga i många fall än presskonferenserna som ges av britterna och amerikanerna i Quatar.
Christopher Dickey, Parisbyråchef och Mellanösternchef för tidningen Newsweek, 28 mars 2003Intervju i National Public Radio 28 mars / 030331

Our armies do not come ... as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators.
Lieutenant-General Sir Stanley Maude, stationed in Iraq, in 1917Pilger, John (2003), "The War on Truth", 030731, 030812

...the people there are dead because we wanted them dead
Pentagon official, talking about an attack on the village Chowkar-Karez in Afghanistan that killed 93 civilians.Blum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. xiii

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Hermann Goering

We first fought the heathens in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.
Serj Tankian

You want to make sure people understand that when they see civilian suffering there, it's in the context of a terrorist attack that caused enormous suffering in the United States.
Walter Isaacson, CNN chairman, on the footage of civilian casualities in AfghanistanThe Nation 020204

'The terrorists are attacking the infrastructure, the children and all of Iraq,' said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified. 'They are enemies of humanity without religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my community today and I will now take the fight to the terrorists.'
From a U.S. military news release, July 13, 2005. The almost exact same quote was used in another news release on July 24, also citing an 'Iraqi man who preferred not to be identified'.CNN: "

Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government’s policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought within one’s own bosom and in the surrounding world.
Martin Luther King, Jr., 1967, on the Vietnam War

Vi vill vara säkra på att våra trupper vet att våra kunder och amerikanerna står bakom dem
Mike Donahue, vice chef för McDonalds kommunikations- och kundavdelning, om deras avtal med USA:s försvarsdepartements propagandaorganisation America Supports YouIntervju med US Armys nyhetsbyrå / FiB #8/2007

You say that there are some who say we should have been more openly critical. I think it depends upon your first premise; do you believe that Chechnya is a part of Russia or not? I would remind you that we once had a Civil War in our country in which we lost on a per-capita basis far more people than we lost in any of the wars of the 20th century over the proposition that Abraham Lincoln gave his life for, that no State had a right to withdraw from our Union.
President Clinton during a visit in Moscow in April 1996, three years before his decision to bomb Yugoslavia for trying to prevent Kosovos withdrawalBlum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 164

Den polska staten har vägrat den fredliga lösning av våra relationer som jag önskat och har förlitat sig på vapnen. Tyskar i Polen förföljs med blodig terror och drivs från sina hem. En rad gränskränkningar, omöjliga för en stormakt att tolerera, visar att Polen inte längre är villigt att respektera rikets gräns. För att göra slut på denna dårskap har jag inget annat val än att från och med nu möta våld med våld.
Adolf Hitler till den tyska armén den 1 september 1939Aftonbladet 030321

When terrorists attack, they're terrorizing. When we attack, we're retaliating. When they respond to our retaliation with further attacks, they're terrorizing again. When we respond with further attacks, we're retaliating again.
Norman Solomon Blum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 31

I'm an American, and I'm an American reporter. And yes, when there's combat nvolving Americans, you can criticize me if you must, damn me if you must, but I'm always pulling for us to win.
Dan Rather, CBS Evening News anchorBlum, William (2003), "Rogue State", Spearhead 2003, ISBN 1 84277 221 X pb, p. 10